LC1: The Warwickshire and Worcestershire Ladies County is incorporated into and an integral part of the Warwickshire and Worcestershire Counties Bowling Association and is affiliated with the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
LC2: The objectives and powers of the Ladies County are to develop, encourage, manage and regulate the game of crown green bowling for Ladies in WWCBA.
LC3: A Selection Committee consisting of 5 members shall be elected at the Annual Players Meeting. The County Link Officer should also be present at Selection meetings.
LC4: The business of the Ladies County falls under the control of the WWCBA in liaison with the Ladies Link Officer and Ladies Selection Committee.
LC5: The Annual Players Meeting shall take place following the BCGBA AGM to discuss rule changes and to elect a selection committee for the following season.
LC6: The elected committee will have the power to amend or alter any rules. This may take place by convening a Special General Meeting of players.
LC7: Delegates for the BCGBA AGM and Ladies Competition AGM shall be the Ladies County Link Officer and the Secretary of the WWCBA. 1 further delegate may attend.
LC8: Any prize winners will forfeit their prize money if they do not attend the Presentation Evening unless they have sent an apology.
LC9: The WWCBA Ladies Committee are responsible for the preparation, amendment, maintenance and control of its own Rules and Bye-Laws.
LC10: Notice of any proposed amendment or alteration of the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Association shall be given in writing to the delegates and players 7-days before the Annual players meeting.
LC11: No Rule or Bye-Law shall be altered, rescinded or added to, without the consent of the majority of those present and entitled to vote at the Annual players meeting.
LC12: County colours agreed with the WWCBA must be worn by all county players and officials.
LC13: An Individual Merit competition will be held each year. The winner of the Merit will also represent Warwickshire and Worcestershire at the Champion of Champions at the venue set by BCGBA.
LC14: A Dorothy Piearce Ladies Pairs competition will be held each year.
LC15: A Junior Girls Merit competition will be held each year.
LC16: Finalists for all BCGBA competitions should wear their respective county colours if they have them otherwise black and white should be worn.
LC17: Entry fees will be increased by £1.00 per person on the Ladies Merit and Dorothy Piearce Pairs entry fee for prize money.
LC18: The delegates shall have the power to deal with any matters not provided for in these Rules and Bye-Laws.