RS1: The Society is known as “The Referees Society of the Warwickshire and Worcestershire Counties Bowling Association”.
RS2: The objectives of the Society are to operate in a complementary manner to the WWCBA Management Committee, recruit and encourage qualified referees from all member clubs to achieve and maintain high standards of refereeing performance, dress and to ensure that the laws of the game are upheld, and to promote competent referees to the British Crown Green Referees Society.
RS3: The business of the Society shall be transacted by a Committee of four elected members and four co-opted voting members from the WWCBA Management Committee, elections shall take place annually.
RS4: All BCGBA-qualified referees within the WWCBA shall be registered members of the Referees Society of the WWCBA.
RS5: The Annual General Meeting shall be held in January for the election of Officers, and should it be deemed necessary by the Referees’ Society Committee, a further meeting may be held in August or as per WWCBA Rules and Bye-law No.9 for the consideration of Society Rules, all member referees shall be entitled to attend and shall be eligible to vote.
RS6: The Society shall elect annually at the January General Meeting a Secretary, who shall be proposed by the Society to the W&W AGM for ratification, and four other members to serve on the Committee (as per RS3 above), one of these five being the delegate who shall represent the Society at BCGBA Referees’ Society meetings. These five members together with the four members from the W&W Management Committee shall elect their own Chairman as per WWCBA Rules and Bye-laws No. 4 at the first meeting held after the January General Meeting.
RS7: There shall be no membership fee.
RS8: No rule shall be amended or altered without the consent of two-thirds majority of the members present at the August or Special General Meeting.
RS9: Notice of any proposed amendment or alteration of the Society’s Rules must be given in writing to the Secretary at least 28-days prior to the August or Special General Meeting.
RS10: Notices containing all valid amendments and alterations are to be circulated to all members no later than 10-days before the August or Special General Meeting by the Secretary.
RS11: The Secretary will act as the point of contact between the Society and all open and restricted merit competition organisers, and shall be responsible for allocating appointments on behalf of the Society.