G1: The Association is to be known as the ‘Warwickshire & Worcestershire Counties Bowling Association’ and is to be affiliated to the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
G2: The objectives and powers of the Association are to develop, encourage, control, manage and regulate the game of Crown Green Bowling in the Counties under the direct jurisdiction of the Association.
G3: The business of the Association shall be transacted by a Management Committee consisting of:
President Serving for 2 years
Deputy President Serving for 2 years
Chair (Elected Annually at AGM)
Active Past Presidents
Active Life Members
Association Secretary (Elected Annually at AGM)
Treasurer (Elected Annually at AGM)
Fixtures Secretary (Elected Annually at AGM)
Referees Secretary
Development/Coaches/Safeguarding Officer
Senior, Women’s and Junior County Matches Link Officers
Merit and Cups Officer
Four other members all of whom shall be elected at the January Annual General Meeting (AGM). By Member clubs on a Bi-Annual Basis.
Affiliated Leagues/Associations will be invited before the January AGM to submit nominations for Management Committee membership which will be considered along with retiring committee members seeking re-election. Nominations will also be invited from the floor at the AGM.
G4: The Management Committee may fill Management Committee vacancies by co-opting non-voting members should the need arise after having first exhausted the nominations list generated at the last AGM. Co-opted members will retire at the next AGM but may make themselves available for election.
G5: A Management Committee quorum shall consist of the President or Chair, Treasurer or Secretary, and six other elected Committee Members, Past Presidents, or Life Members as defined in Rule G3.
G6: A minimum of 8 Committee Members must attend to form a quorum. All decisions shall be taken by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote by those in attendance, the Chair, or President in the absence of the Chair shall have the casting vote. In the absence of the President or Chair, and Treasurer or Secretary, an entitled member of the Committee delegated by the Chair, President, Treasurer or Secretary shall assume their position. The delegation must be made in writing by the Official and notice signed by him or her. This document will be presented at the meeting. If these criteria are not met, then the meeting is invalid, and no business can be conducted.
G7: The following sub-committees shall be formed by and from the Management Committee at a meeting to be called on a Monday immediately following the AGM.
Each of the Four elected Committee Members must serve on the League Sub-Committee or the Competitions Sub-Committee:
Each Sub-Committee shall select its own Chairman at that meeting viz:
G8: The following Sub-Committees shall be formed from the total Management Committee, such Sub-Committees to elect their own Chair:
G9: The Officers of the Association, i.e. the President, Deputy President, Chair, Association Secretary and Treasurer, shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees, and they, together with elected members only, shall be entitled to vote, other than the Senior County Selection Sub Committee. Past Presidents and Life Members wishing to have the power to vote must gain election to a Sub-committee.
G10: Finance, Rule Book, Entertainment and Social matters shall be dealt with by the full committee.
G11: Management members wishing to hold a voting seat on a Sub-committee must attend the election meeting or, have submitted an apology to the Association Secretary indicating their wish to seek election. Absent/non-apology members will be placed on a sub-committee as deemed appropriate by the Management Committee.
G12: The Fixtures, Referees, Senior, Junior, Midlands Alliance, Veterans County and Ladies Selection Secretaries shall be responsible for all matters appertaining to the respective competitions during the playing season.
G13: All other matters will be dealt with by the Association Secretary who will communicate on behalf of the Association by current postal services or electronically.
GM1: Any bona fide bowling organisation which may be deemed by the Management Committee to be of ‘Club’ status, shall be eligible for membership but must be accepted by the Management Committee; only such approved Member Clubs shall be allowed to take part in the Association League Competitions.
Other Clubs and bona fide Organisations wishing to be affiliated for the purpose of promoting or taking part in competitions other than League bowling, within the framework of the Association, shall be eligible for membership but must be accepted by the Management Committee.
GM2: Member Clubs will notify the Association Secretary and/or the Fixtures Secretary annually by 31st January of their intention to enter teams in the WWCBA County League or WWCBA Birmingham League for the ensuing season.
GM3: Divisions of 10 teams will be set by the League Sub-Committee annually during February and clubs will then be advised by the Association Secretary and/or Fixtures Secretary of their league status for the ensuing season.
In the event of an imbalance in the league formations, the League Sub-Committee will then determine how to proceed with teams not set into a division of 10 teams.
GM4: Clubs that then withdraw a team, or teams, after the 31st of January but before the first league matches will be fined £50.
GM5: New clubs wishing to participate in the leagues run by the Association or existing clubs wishing to field a second team in the leagues run by the Association must notify the Fixtures Secretary not later than 30 November prior to the forthcoming season. The application must be accompanied by a deposit of £20 which will be credited to their account for the following season. Any default will result in the loss of the £20 deposit. After 30th November new clubs may be accepted if a vacancy exists.
GM6: It is the duty of the Host Club to ensure that every effort is made to provide a green of acceptable quality. The Management Committee may terminate the membership of any club that does not agree, when instructed by the Management Committee, to implement a ‘Green Improvement Plan’ deemed necessary, following inspection, by the League Sub Committee.
GM7: Member clubs must supply email addresses for their Secretaries and other Official as part of the registration procedure. Any change of email address within the period must be immediately reported to the Association Secretary and the League Sub Committee.
M1: Two General Meetings shall be held annually, one in January for the presentation of the Balance Sheet and consideration of financial matters (which shall not require notice of motion) together with the election of Officers and transaction of business for the ensuing season; one in September/October for consideration of Association Rules, Bye-laws, League, Cup and Merit Rules, which shall require notice of motion. Standing Orders will be applied. Each club shall be required to be represented at both meetings and any club failing to be represented at either of these meetings shall be fined £20.00.
M2: Each Club shall be entitled to send one delegate to each meeting, together with a representative, exclusive of Members of the Management Committee, but only the delegate together with Members of the Management Committee shall be eligible to vote. Officers, Past Presidents, Life Members and Members of the Management Committee shall not be eligible to act as delegates.
M3: In respect of the two General Meetings and any Special General meeting a quorum shall consist of the President or Chair, Treasurer or Secretary and six other elected Committee Members, or Past Presidents, Life Members as defined in Rule G3, plus 66% of Member Club Delegates who are eligible to vote. All decisions shall be taken by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote by those in attendance the Chair or President in the absence of the Chair would have the casting vote. In the absence of the President or Chair, and Treasurer or Secretary then an entitled member of the Committee delegated by the Chair, President, Treasurer or Secretary shall assume their position. The delegation must be made in writing by the Official and notice signed by him or her. This document will be presented at the meeting. The meetings will have validity only if held on dates and times determined by the Management Committee. If these criteria are not met, then the meeting is invalid, and no business can be conducted.
M4: The Association Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting at any time on receiving a requisition to that effect signed, or submitted electronically, by the Secretaries of not less than three Clubs belonging to the Association, such Special General Meeting shall have the power to amend or alter these rules.
M5: The Management Committee shall have the power to convene a Special General Meeting for any purpose including the amendment or alteration of any Rules or Bye-Laws.
Each club shall be required to be represented at such a Special General Meeting defined in Rules M4 or M5 with delegates as defined in Rule M3 and any club failing to be represented shall be fined £20.
R1: All registrations, subscriptions, and finances due prior to the first league match of the season arranged by the Association may be transferred to the Association Treasurer via one of two means:
R2: The WWCBA Management Committee will advise annually a date and venue if face-to-face submission can take place. BCGBA Handbooks may also be available for collection on this date.
R3: BCGBA Handbooks may be posted and will be charged at second-class postage unless they are collected by hand.
R4: Clubs that do not submit the required subscriptions, finances and registration paperwork on time will be subject to fines or termination of membership of the Association as per Rule S2.4.
The Annual Subscription for Member Clubs shall be:
S2: The annual affiliation fee:
S3: All Organisations of ‘Club’ status wishing to take part in the Cup Competitions shall pay an entrance fee of £10.00.
S4: All member clubs will pay £10 annually, prior to the first league fixture of the season, to fund the provision and maintenance of an electronic Official Yearbook accessible on the website www.wwcba.com.
S5: All Member Clubs will participate in the Personal Accident Insurance Scheme and will pay annually a fee, to be determined by the Management Committee, per registered player in accordance with the list of registered players required by Rule.
S6: All Affiliated Clubs, Leagues and Associations may participate in the Personal Accident Insurance Scheme.
S7: All Member Clubs will be required to pay any fines imposed by either the Management Committee or an appropriate Sub-Committee within one calendar month of the due date of the issue of a fine statement. In the event of clubs failing to comply, the fines will automatically be doubled and must be paid to the Treasurer, otherwise, membership will be considered as ceased and re-entry into a League will be at the lowest Division.
S8: All clubs are responsible for their methods of payment of subscriptions, registrations, or fines. Any charges incurred by revoked cheques will be the direct responsibility of and be passed on to, the submitting club for payment in addition to the original sum.
S9: All Fees shall be forwarded to the Hon. Treasurer of the Association not later than the 1st of June each year. If any monies due to the Association are unpaid by 3lst October in any year, the Management Committee will, by ordinary resolution, terminate that organisation's membership of the Association. Should such an organisation wish to continue its membership dues for the past year, together with fees for the ensuing year, must be paid to the Treasurer prior to the January General Meeting, otherwise, membership will be considered as ceased and re-entry into a League will be at the lowest Division.
S10: The Association is an unincorporated society, and its accounts are not subject to statutory audit. The annexed accounts will be prepared for the Association for the benefit of its members by its Officers.
S11: The Accounts of the Association shall be examined by professionally qualified accountants or other persons experienced in financial or administrative matters and the printed Balance Sheet sent to each Club belonging to the Association, together with notices calling the January Annual General Meeting.
BL1: With the exception of financial matters, a notice of any proposed amendment or alteration of the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Association, together with the names of the proposer and seconder of every such amendment or alteration shall be given in writing, or electronically, to the Association Secretary 28 days at least before the General Meeting at which such amendment or alteration is to be considered.
BL2: The proposer who may be any Member Club or Management Committee Member must obtain a seconder who shall also be another Member Club or Management Committee Member to be identified in accordance with Rule BL1.
BL3: Notices containing all valid amendments and alterations are to be circulated to all Clubs, Officers, Past Presidents, Life Members and Members of the Management Committee, 10 days before the General Meeting by the Association Secretary.
BL4: The Chair of any General Meeting at which amendments and alterations to Rules and Bye-Laws are considered, shall allow an amendment or alteration to be moved, by any delegate or Management Committee member, to any notified amendment or alteration, providing such amendment is relative to and does not alter the context of the notified amendment or alteration unduly, and in the event of the same being seconded by another delegate or Management Committee Member and being carried by a bare majority of those present, and entitled to vote, shall be considered as a notified amendment or alteration.
BL5: No Rule or Bye-Law, League Competition Rule, Cup Competition Rule or Individual Merit Rule, shall be altered, rescinded or added to, without the consent of the majority of those present, and entitled to vote, at the General Meeting.
MA1: A list of all members of Association Clubs must be forwarded to the Registrar of the Association each year before such members take part in any Association Competition.
MA2: All players selected or taking part in the Associations Events must be from the list furnished. It is the responsibility of the submitting club to ensure that any new member who has joined them is a fully paid member of the previous club.
MA3: Failure to establish that any new member is a fully paid member of the previous club will, if proven, lead to the loss of any shots scored in League and/or Cup matches by that player for the new club, also making the player liable to be debarred from all Association Events until any previous debt is fully paid.
MA4: Supplementary registrations can be made at any time during the playing season and shall become effective immediately after such registration is received by the Association Registrar and fees received by the Treasurer.
New members MUST be provisionally registered with the Fixtures Secretary and the Registrar by phone or text one hour prior to the scheduled start time of a match and a Supplementary Registration Form and fee must then reach the Registrar within 7 days of the match being played. Failure to do this will result in their score being deleted and the opponent will be given a walkover. A fine of £10 will be imposed on the offending club.
MA5: All player registrations are to be in the official format identified by the Association.
MA6: All listed members of Association Clubs will each pay an annual registration fee to be determined by the Management Committee.
MA7: All competitions excluding the WWCBA Men’s Women’s Individual Merits shall be open to all bowlers except where BCGBA restrictions exist by age.
MA8: It shall be a condition of Membership that all clubs will allow properly registered players of member clubs to participate on their greens as visitors in competitions under the control of the Association unless specifically prohibited by that club.
Transfer requests will be considered by the Association Secretary at any time during the league bowling programme subject to:
MA10: Any player taking part in League or Cup matches for two Clubs in the same season shall be suspended from the Association for twelve calendar months. This rule does not apply to an authorised transfer.
OC2: Only properly licensed Betting Book facilities will be allowed to operate at WWCBA-controlled events, and then only with the prior written consent of the WWCBA Management Committee following a written application and the payment of a fee of £20.00. The fee payable will be reviewed and determined annually by the Management Committee of the WWCBA.
A1: An enquiry into any suspected breach of this Association, League, Cup or Merit Rules and Bye-Laws, by a Player, Club or Affiliated Organisation may be instituted by the Management Committee:
A2: In the event of any enquiry being instituted on the complaint of any Affiliated Organisation, Club or Player, such Affiliated Organisations, Club or Player shall forthwith deposit with the Association Secretary the sum of £20.00, which will be returned if the complaint is upheld. Once the deposit is made and a written statement of the facts is placed with the Association Secretary, an enquiry shall be instituted by the Management Committee.
A3: The Management Committee shall have the power to Caution, Reprimand, Suspend, Fine or Expel any Player, Spectator, Club or Affiliated Organisation who shall infringe any Rule & Bye-law, or whose conduct shall, in their opinion, render him/her or them unfit for membership, but no Player, Club or Affiliated Organisation shall be dealt with, without first being summoned to appear before the Management Committee to explain their conduct, and given opportunity to advance their defence unless in the opinion of the Management Committee, such matters are serious enough to warrant immediate action.
A4: In the case of such breach of conduct meriting suspension or expulsion, at least two-thirds of the Management Committee hearing the recommendations of the enquiry must vote in support of suspension or expulsion.
A5: Anyone so summoned to appear before the Management Committee or Disciplinary Committee shall be entitled to receive at least seven days’ notice in writing by Recorded Delivery, or electronically from the Association Secretary giving particulars of the breaches of conduct being the subject of the complaint.
A6: Where a Player and/or Spectator is found guilty of infringement of any Rule & Bye-law the WWCBA Management Committee would provide the following interpretation of the term “suspension”.
A7: For the duration of the suspension the Player, Club or League MUST NOT
A8: The Management Committee may consider elements of the suspension as listed but not limited to the above when deciding the suspension. The Management Committee may also seek to place such suspension in abeyance, but this would be conditional upon no further incident or event becoming known or requiring action by the Management Committee otherwise such deferred suspension shall be immediately applied.
A9: Should any Member Club, Affiliated Club or Affiliated League fail to manage compliance with the suspensions at their venues they shall be in breach of the WWCBA Code of Conduct.
A10: The Management Committee may demand the production of any books, documents or other evidence deemed necessary in dealing with any complaint or enquiry. Should any Affiliated Organisation, Club a Player refuse to furnish such evidence as may be required or refuse to attend the enquiry, the Management Committee shall have the power to suspend such Affiliated Organisation, Club or Player.
A11: Any Affiliated Organisation, Club or Player suspended or expelled by the Association shall automatically be reported to the BCGBA for confirmation, and if confirmed, reinstatement shall be by written application, to be in the hands of the Association Secretary not later than the last day of January in each year.
A12: No application for reinstatement shall be entertained, under any circumstances whatever, from a Player who has once been reinstated.
EC1: With the exception of normal team changes, where A and B teams are competing in corresponding leagues no visiting player shall be allowed to compete in a Warwickshire and Worcestershire league or cup match on a green where they have practised or played in other competitions during the preceding 14 days, otherwise than when such competition has been a County Match Warwickshire and Worcestershire Cup or Merit competition or a Local League, Cup or Merit Competition directly affiliated to the WWCBA or the BCGBA.
EC2: Players may not play on an opponent’s green where they have played previously on the same day.
EC3: Players may play in any league organised by WWCBA with the exception where this conflicts with Rule EC2.
AW1: It is the duty of every member of every club affiliated to this Association to acquaint themselves with the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Association, and of the Rules and Bye-Laws governing the League, Cup and Merit competitions. The Management Committee of the Association will at no time accept a plea of ignorance when considering any breach of the Rules and Bye-Laws as laid down in this guidance.
AW2: Each Club shall be furnished with a copy of the British Crown Green Bowling Associations’ Official Handbook each year, and each Club and every member thereof shall be bound by the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Association in like manner, as though such Club and each member thereof had entered into, and signed, an agreement with the Association to that effect.
INT1: The Management Committee shall have powers to deal with any matters not provided for in these Rules and Bye-Laws.
INT2: The WWCBA Management Committee shall be the interpreter of these Association Rules and Bye-Laws governing the League, Cup and Merit Competitions, and from its decision, there shall be no appeal other than where a player makes a complaint and fails to get satisfaction from their Club, League Association or County Association, they shall have the right to appeal to the British Crown Green Bowling Association on depositing the required fee, which may be refunded at the discretion of the Management Committee of the BCGBA.
INT3: The Management Committee shall at all times have the authority to select any green belonging to Member Clubs for the purpose of promoting County Matches and other Associations' Competitions.
INT4: Heeled footwear of any kind should not be worn by participants on greens where league, cup or merit events are played under the jurisdiction of the Association. Nothing in this rule shall apply to any player who suffers a disability with a medical dispensation provided by BCGBA.
INT5: In League matches and Cup matches arranged by WWCBA except for finals, the captains, or their nominees, will act jointly as Adjudicators. They are allowed on the green during play and will act as measurers'. No other persons other than the players are allowed on the green.
PC1: The following is the only permitted dress for all bowlers in competitions organised or run by the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
PC2: (A) Shirts: Must be collared, with sleeves, and are to be worn for County representative games and finals days of all competitions.
(B) County Associations to determine the style and design of their county shirt, which must conform to
PC2(A) and may include the County’s insignia, player’s name, Club insignia, sponsor’s insignia and/or manufacturer’s insignia.
PC3: (A) Trousers: These shall be black or navy, single colour, full-length tailored trousers, tailored shorts (knee length), skirts (knee length), tailored cropped trousers and straight trousers.
(B) Nothing in the above rule shall be interpreted to allow the wearing of tracksuits, shell suits, denim, combat trousers, jeggings or skinny jeans. External pockets on the legs are not permissible.
PC4: Where necessary, and in accordance with the pertaining weather conditions, sweaters which conform to the above and/or wet weather gear may be worn (correct dress must be worn under wet gear).
PC5: In team contests uniform clothing must be worn by team members.
PC6: Where permitted practice on the day this will only be allowed to those conforming to this standard. Any player failing to conform to this standard will be prevented from playing (or continuing) in the competition and may be liable to forfeit any entry fee for, or prize money earned in, the competition.
PC7: In the case of team contests any offending player must be substituted before the commencement of the game. However, if the player’s game has commenced, the player shall score nil and the opponent shall receive the maximum score.
PC8: Nothing in this rule shall prevent exceptions from being made for individuals with a relevant disability.
PC9: It is strongly recommended that this be adopted by all subsidiary organisations and other organisers of competitions and that players’ notice be drawn to it on the entry forms for all such competitions.
GEN1: A Club or Associated Club on application to the Association may by agreement amalgamate with another Club. The receiving club may if so, desirous retain the league status of the merging club only if the number of merging club members exceeds the registered playing membership of the receiving club. The name of the merging club, if retained, will only be used in conjunction with the above arrangement for one year, after which time the name will revert to that of the receiving club. Any Club Merger, Amalgamation, Separation, Take Over, including any club wishing to change its Home Green will be subject to the approval of the WWCBA Management Committee.
GEN2: All member clubs are required to identify a Safeguarding Officer with a DBS Certificate and appropriate training for Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult issues within their club and to notify the WWCBA Safeguarding Officer who will maintain a database of identified Safeguarding Officers.
GEN3: Should the Management Committee decide, by a majority, on the grounds of expediency or otherwise, to dissolve the Association, the Committee shall call a Special General meeting of the Association, giving 21 days’ notice to Member Clubs. At this Special General meeting, if a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote to decide to dissolve the Association, the Management Committee shall have the power to dispose of the assets of the Association after all liabilities and debts have been cleared. The beneficiaries of such assets shall be the Member Clubs.