In 2017 WWCBA purchased Junior Bowls to Loan to clubs. There has been some successes and new players gained as a result.
There is a total of 16 sets of bowls available in 4 colours which have been manufactured according to their size. With these limited numbers WWCBA will need to manage their use and ensure a Loan Agreement is in place.
Green 2lb-0oz
Orange 2lb-2oz
Red 2lb-4oz
Blue 2lb-6oz
All enquiries of availability through Phil Ellett WWCBA – Development Officer
- WWCBA have purchased sets of junior sized bowls to fulfil the objective to promote Junior Bowling.
- The terms of this agreement are to protect the assets known as Junior Bowls belonging to WWCBA. Ownership remains
with WWCBA.
- It is a condition that after the loan period that the bowls and bag are returned in good condition.
- The Loan Period will be agreed at the start of the loan and must cease at the end of WWCBA fixtures where the bowls
must be returned in time for Asset Auditing.
- The Junior Bowls will be loaned to WWCBA Clubs for the use of Junior Members Only.
- The Clubs wishing to borrow the bowls will be required to pay a refundable deposit of £25 for each set provided that the
bowls are returned in good condition at the agreed time.
- If the bowls are not returned when agreed, the club shall be responsible for the full replacement cost (expected £95)
- If these bowls are not being utilised by the club they must be returned to WWCBA for other Clubs to use.
- Initially WWCBA have set a maximum number of 2 sets per club, however this will be regularly reviewed based on the
circumstances of use and needs of individual clubs.
- These bowls are not intended to sit in the club house etc. unused or to be used regularly by Adult players, this will be
deemed as falling to meet the terms of this agreement and the bowls will be requested to be returned.
- WWCBA Development Sub-Committee will manage requests and the distribution and use of the Junior Bowls.
- It’s understood that these bowls will have a relative short time of use by junior players, once the interest in bowls is
gained and they purchase bowls of their own as they grow and need larger sizes to continue.
- These Junior Bowls will be available for short term loans to any club who meets the criteria and makes formal request to
the WWCBA Development Officer.