1: All amendments to a motion, not required to be submitted as under Rule 13, shall be submitted to the Chairman in writing with the names of the mover and seconder attached.
2: Amendments will be put before the meeting in the order in which they are received.
3: Whenever an amendment to a motion is accepted no second amendment shall be considered until the first is disposed of. Should an amendment be carried it shall then become the substantive motion upon which a further amendment may be moved. Should an amendment be lost then a further amendment may be moved to the original motion, but only one such amendment shall be submitted for consideration at a time.
4: Only one delegate from each Club, together with members of the Management Committee shall be eligible to vote.
5: The Chairman shall have the power to order a second vote, or to give a casting vote.
6: No member shall speak more than once on the same motion except the mover thereof who shall have the right of reply, thereby closing the debate. The several speakers shall address the Chair.
7: That should a motion be made “that the question be now put” and on being put to the vote is declared carried, further consideration of the question shall cease with the exception of the mover’s right to reply.
8: Should the “next business” be moved and carried, the meeting shall proceed to the next item on the agenda.
9: Motions and amendments may only be withdrawn upon leave being ranted by the meeting without any negative voice.
10: The Chairman shall have the power to suspend Standing Orders for a short, specific time.
11: If, at any meeting, AOB is allowed, it shall be of such a nature as to exclude the formulation of resolutions.
12: The decision of the Chairman on any point of order shall be final.