These guidelines are recommended for any type of alleged misconduct by members that is considered to bring the game into disrepute, and/or alleged misconduct which is considered to justify suspension or exclusion.
The guidelines may be activated by Member/Affiliated Clubs by:
a) the receipt in writing of a formal complaint,
b) an allegation of misconduct made verbally or in writing, or
c) an alleged breach of club rules.
In these circumstances, the Secretary of the Member/Affiliated Club, without undue delay, shall convene a meeting, as appropriate, of the Management Committee (or Disciplinary Committee) to deal with the complaint, alleged misconduct or alleged breach of club rule. The date and timing of the meeting should facilitate the attendance of all interested parties.
The individual and/or club member charged with misconduct shall be advised in writing at least 7 clear days before the Management Committee (or Disciplinary Committee) of the exact nature of the alleged misconduct against him/her. He/she shall be invited to attend personally at the Management Committee (or Disciplinary Committee) meeting to respond to the allegation/s and/or invited to call witnesses and/or invited to be represented.
The Management Committee (Disciplinary Committee) will:
1) Hear the response to the complaint from the accused member who may be represented and may bring forward witnesses.
2) Provide for questions to be put to the accused member by the complainant and/or Committee Members.
3) Hear the complaint/allegation from the complainant, who may also be represented and bring forward witnesses.
4) Provide for questions to be put to the complainant by the accused member and/or Committee Members.
5) Invite a summary/final statement from the accused member.
6) Invite a summary/final statement from the complainant.
7) Invite all interested parties to withdraw to allow the Management Committee (Disciplinary Committee) to consider the evidence.
8) Make a decision on the complaint.
9) Invite interested parties to return to the meeting and deliver the verdict of the Management Committee (Disciplinary Committee) verbally after which no further debate will be allowed.
10) Request the interested parties to withdraw at this time from the meeting.
11) Thereafter convey the decision of the Management Committee (Disciplinary Committee) to all interested parties in writing within 7 clear days.
12) If the decision of the Management Committee (Disciplinary Committee) is to suspend, exclude or expel the member he/she should be advised of his/her right of appeal to the WWCBA against the suspension, exclusion or expulsion.
Finally in the event of the Management Committee (Disciplinary Committee) deciding to suspend, exclude or expel a member the Club Secretary should immediately advise the WWCBA Association Secretary.
President, Chairman & Association Secretary - April 2019