Founded in 1897 the Warwickshire and Worcestershire Counties Bowling Association (WWCBA) is one of the 16 County Associations which together with the British Parks Crown Bowling Association and the British Crown Green Ladies Association comprise the British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA).
The WWCBA comprises 69 Member Clubs, 22 Affiliated Leagues and 57 Affiliated local clubs. There are some 2700 players who take part in organised Leagues, Cups and Merit bowling through their involvement/membership of the 69 Member Clubs all of which are located in Birmingham and its environs. Listings of Member Clubs, Affiliated Leagues and Affiliated Clubs are included in the Association’s Handbook, downloadable from the website.
League bowling is provided through our main county league and the new Birmingham league, each comprising 10 teams per division and can be of mixed gender.
The objectives and powers of the Association are to encourage, control, manage, regulate and develop the game of crown green bowling under the direct jurisdiction of the WWCBA.
The Association is managed by a Group of Executive Officers and Management Committee Members who meet monthly. Management of the Leagues, County Selection, Referees, Coaching, Competitions, Discipline and Development is delegated to autonomous Sub Committees that report monthly to the main Management Committee.
The Warwickshire Ladies County Crown Green Bowling Association is incorporated to and an integral part of WWCBA and is represented at the monthly WWCBA Management Committee meetings.
The WWCBA communicates with Member Clubs, Affiliated Leagues and Affiliated Clubs mainly through mail shots and extensive use of e-mails and text etc. and through the website. The Association has a comprehensive database and manages mandatory Personal Accident Insurance and Public Liability Insurance Schemes. WWCBA hold two AGM’s (January/February and September/October).
Work undertaken by Officers and Management Committee Members is underpinned by well structured Strategies for Communications, Code of Conduct, Bowling Greens Under Threat, Information Systems/Information Technology, Sponsors Agreement, Development/Appeals procedures and an Equalities Policy Statement. These formal Strategies and Guidelines are approved WWCBA Policy Documents.
Every task undertaken by the Management Committee responds to the WWCBA's Mission Statement which is:
"To promote, manage and develop a quality calendar of bowling activities providing a high level of choice and satisfaction."