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Open to ALL NEW registered bowlers from the WWCBA Registrar List (Not BCGBA Card Renewals or Lost Cards) who have registered within the past two years including the current year (i,e. 2022/2021/2020). This ensures that players will be playing matches against people of similar bowling experience and a chance to enjoy a merit competition experience. There is a further adaptation ensuring a levelling-up of abilities to introduce a unique rule of Jack to Opponent.
The rules of the competition will follow the standard “laws of the game” with one exception of the following: “the Loser shall be the Leader and have the first attempt to set a mark at the succeeding end”. (Law 3.2) to be known as Jack to Opponent “J2O”
5 on the card "21-Up"
First Round Losers go into a Consolation Event, run alongside main competition
Hot food available on the day