Lynn is well versed in applying for Grants and funding, and has therefore offered some advice to our members to help them make applications for the above mentioned scheme.
The above will cover costs such as rent, utility costs, insurances, equipment hire and retrospective losses backdated to 1st March 2020. Awards will be made of values from £300 up to £10,000.
The Award criteria will include the following:-
Your Club delivers activity in disadvantaged areas
Your Club includes members from one or more of the following groups:- Women/Girls, Disabled People, People in lower socio-economic groups, Black and Minority Ethnic communities (BAME), Older People and People with long-term health conditions
The financial need to keep your Club going
The impact of not receiving funding
Based on the application and the award criteria here is a list of Do's and Dont's which may be helpful:-
Be honest and state any reserves the Club has.
Emphasise if your Club is located in a disadvantaged area.
Include outline demographic information on your area, e.g. unemployment rate, population demographics, age profile of your community, health data etc. This information should be available through Census data or by contacting your Local Authority
Cite and emphasise all the groups your Club engaged with, e.g. Women/Girls, Older People, BAME, Disabled People, People with long-term health conditions and people in lower socio-economic groups
Emphasise the importance of the role your Club plays in your local community e.g. promoting physical and mental health and well-being, social interaction, combating social isolation/loneliness, engaging with local schools etc
Emphasise how you are maintaining contact with your members
Set out the financial impact between April and June. Cite examples of any mitigating actions the Club is taking.
Cite the minimum outgoings the Club has to meet e.g rent, utility bills etc
Cite examples of the impact of not receiving financial help e.g facilities could fall into a poor state of disrepair and risk being unusable when we emerge from the crisis, risk of losing a vital community asset etc
Cite the impact on club members/the local community e.g decreased physical activity, social isolation, decline in mental health, loss of community facility is a significant risk when it will be most needed when we emerge from the lock-down etc
Be clear and concise
Use simple and easy to understand language
Ensure the level of funding you need is accurate
Use acronyms
Tell blatant lies. Any funding you receive could be subject to audit
I hope the above helps in some way. Good luck to any Clubs who are considering putting in an application. It is certainly worth a go.
Lynn Pritchatt