I hope you're well.
After the disappointment of last year’s lack of Junior Team events, Warwick & Worcester have affiliated with British Parks alongside the current events from British Crown Green to try and offer a fuller calendar of competitions for those under the age of 18.
I will be working closely with my counterpart from Warwickshire Parks, Ben Wright to try and catch as many of our local juniors as possible.
Attached is a form for registering the interest of any juniors in your club who would like to play for Warwick & Worcester in Junior County competitions. We are interested in hearing from experienced junior players and those new to the game.
Please complete the form with your availability before the 6th of March 2024 so that it can be shared onwards with the selection committee, and we can decide how many teams to enter in each event.
You can click this link to go straight to the form:
Or copy and paste this URL into your browser: https://form.jotform.com/240424678463360
It's a shorter form so it should only take a few minutes to fill out.
Please share onwards.
It's really important that we have contact details for all players interested in playing so please forward this email or the form link to any parent or junior bowlers who are part of your club. An email with all the details will also be sent to club secretaries, but we tend to find we have more responses when shared personally between club members!
Once we have a list of interested juniors, we will endeavour to organise some “trial/icebreaker” introductory events.
If you have a junior who you don’t think is quite ready yet, we can also arrange for coaching for players of all experience, which will be provided free by qualified & insured coaches.
When you have registered a player’s interest to play, we will send out our safeguarding forms for completion to protect and provide all the information to keep our juniors safe.
Darren Andrews
WWCBA Junior County Link Officer