To whom it May Concern
Urgent note
WWCBA have suspended its 2020 programme following a note from BCGBA see below.
The Government has now advised to avoid non-essential social contact including avoiding pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues. Therefore our bowling programme is cancelled until such time it is safe to continue.
We will be in contact with you to keep you informed of developments and bowling events when we are able to recommence.
In the meantime its recommended that no club events are arranged in order to avoid unnecessary social contact which may increase the risk of harm to others.
Most of all keep safe and take care of each other.
WWCBA believe Clubs & Members will not be insured if they carry on against BCGBA advice, therefore all club bowling should also be suspended.
BCGBA Notice
To County Secretaries, Management and Officers.
Following the Government announcement this afternoon it is with great sadness that we now have to suspend all bowling for the foreseeable future.
Based on the advice announced we need to avoid all mass gatherings and sporting event as these will no longer be supported by the emergency services.
If anyone within your household has symptoms then the whole family need to isolate for 14 days.
Limit social contact wherever possible and encourage working from home.
At risk groups - those over 70 and those with medical conditions need to take additional care.
All BCGBA meetings should now be postponed as un-necessary travel should be avoided. Contact in Pubs, Clubs and restaurants to be avoided.
Taking this all into account all leagues should now suspend matches until such time as we are given an all clear to resume competition.
All BCGBA and BCGLCC Competitions are now suspended until further notice this should include all qualifier events.
As a Bowls community we need to look after our members and I encourage you to follow the advice being given and support those we are able to at this very difficult time.
I will add links onto the website / face-book as these are updated.
Please take care of yourself and stay safe.
On behalf of the Management Committee BCGBA
Chris Hasselby (BCGBA Chairman)
Mark Bircumshaw (CEO)